Tuesday, July 18, 2017

State Hopping Along the Delaware River

Our trip to the Delaware Water Gap, located at the Pennsylvania/New Jersey border was the perfect trip for the short time we had. The drive there was beautiful with the winding river to one side and green mountains on both sides. We finally arrived in the late afternoon and headed straight to the trails. We started our 1250ft. ascent on the Red Dot Trail to Mt. Tammany. The steep climb along a rocky path makes it one of the hardest trails in the region. Lucky for us, we love that sort of stuff!

After around a mile and a half, we reached a beautiful overlook where we took pictures (and made sure not to get too close the the edge of the drop off).

After continuing up the trail a bit more and climbing up a really fun rocky area, we had to finish our hike soon. Instead of continuing on, we turned around and climbed back down. The common way of going is by continuing on the Blue Dot Trail and connecting to the Appalachian Trail to head back and complete the loop, but we were not sure how much longer it would take us and we were fine climbing down the rocks.

The next day we headed into NY to canoe down the Delaware River. Normally we would have rented canoes or even kayaks, but we decided to all go together in one big raft this time. It was really nice and relaxing drifting down the river and eating lunch, and of course we had a blast maneuvering through the rapids!

The rest of the day consisted of meeting with relatives, revisiting some childhood memories, and heading to a wedding. It may have been a very short trip but we really enjoyed and that's what is important!

Check out another trip we did nearby by clicking HERE.